By Benji Elkins:
Memorial Day at the Huxawinney Bridge Collapse Memorial Dam
Monday, May 31, 2021
Join us for a fun gathering to celebrate our country and our town from 2pm - 4pm!
All Day!
Make American flags with newly single Mark Yurkins!
Tent constructing and deconstructing with newly single Melanie Yurkins (surname soon to be changed)!
Folk singing with Steph Collins!
Children coloring with Todd Bark!*
Tour the Huxawinney Bridge wreckage & dam with expert Katherine Monk!
Meet real Native American Reese Edwards!**
Child tickling with Todd Bark!***
*To clear up last year’s confusion, please note Todd Bark will be coloring your children.
** Reese Edwards is not a “real” Native American.
***We ask for your child to wait in line patiently for tickling. Children may not be tickled twice without parental consent.
2:30pm - Listen to a veteran
Veteran Al Gryffith tells stories of his employment stocking the canteen at Fort Wickamixon!
2:45pm - Stone skipping over the Monk boy’s body
Skip stones with expert Jeremiah over the believed location of Jason Monk’s corpse!
3:15pm - Clown show/hanging
Annual clown show and hanging. This year’s clown will be played by Ryan Smalls representing Todd Bark-accuser & town enemy Nancy Stein. Huxawinney stands by Mr. Bark in these trying times.
3:30pm - Read aloud of My Brother’s Bridge by Sarah Monk
Read aloud of Huxawinney Library’s “Most returned book” 2013-2017 and “Only book” 2018-2019!
3:45-4:pm - Annual Huxawinney Bridge Collapse reenactment & Jason Monk memorial service.
This year Jason Monk will be played by Xian Wu. Go get ‘em, Xian!
Food Offered:
Turkey Legs!
Jason Monk Fries!
Crisp french-fries drowned in cheese.
Ice Cream!
Jason Monk Sundae!
Vanilla & Chocolate ice-cream drowned in hot fudge.
We are excited to see you on a day of fun, patriotism, and remembrance. Ladies, please remember to bring a white t-shirt and a towel.