By: Zachary Zeaman
Early on Thursday morning, President Trump published over sixty
tweets and retweets to both his main and Presidential Twitter accounts. He
took the opportunity to retweet messages such as “CNN is a joke” and “Can
you imagine what would have happened to us if President Trump had not
shown up in 2016?”. However, a tweet that has been overlooked was Trump’s
retweeting of a headline by The Onion called “Melania Spanks 10-Yea r-Old
President Trump tweeted the headline claiming that Melania’s campaign is
“finally getting the attention it deserves” after the First Lady’s efforts were
relatively unknown to just about everyone. Trump praised The Onion for their
“top notch reporting” and declared them a “real news source”.
The Onion, self-declared as “America’s Finest News Source”, dismissed the
retweet by the President by publishing the following statement mere hours
later: “We here at The Onion would like to apologize to our viewers for
becoming so well known that we have become legitimized by the President of
the United States. We fear that many will see us as a good news source in the